One Love relies purely on donations and volunteers...

Our handful of dedicated volunteers not only carry out emergency rescues to respond to sightings of dogs in danger, nurse dogs back to health, clean, feed and look after all of the dogs, they also liaise with potential adopters and, from scratch, arrange the adoptions and transport for all adopted dogs.

They also carry out all fundraising to keep the rescue center running!

Did you know?...

Our dogs eat around €400 of dog food per month!

If you would like to help fundraise for One Love, it would mean the world to us and the dogs! Click here to discuss your plans or if you want some ideas. 

See below for some examples of what you could do to fundraise:


Below are some events that are coming up that you can get involved with for One Love...

Climb Mount Snowdon - for One Love Rescue

(Saturday 20th May)

Skydive UK - for One Love Rescue

(Saturday 8th July)

Chelmsford Marathon - Essex UK - for One Love Rescue

(Saturday 15th October)

Ride London - Essex - for One Love Rescue

(Sunday 28th May)