There are currently 2 ways to donate, either via PayPal (if you have a PayPal account) or via our GoFundMe

Choose your preferred method and follow the step-by-step instructions below to make your donation!

How to donate via PayPal:

Head to and click on 'Send':

In the search bar, enter our email address:

Click 'Next'

Enter the donation amount for the package you wish to donate.

Make sure to include the package name in the description box "What's this payment for?".

Click on the BLUE currency code below the amount and select EUR to ensure you send the correct amount.

Click Continue

Finally, on the summary page, click on the word 'Change' and change the payment type to 'For friends and family':

Confirm all of your details on the summary page, scroll to the bottom and click 'Send Money Now'!